Postdoctoral Researcher &
Founder of the Clinical Neuroanatomy Society
Background: Geography, Psychology, Neuroscience
henrietta.howells [a]
Henrietta (Etta) Howells
I joined the Natbrainlab in 2009 as a part-time research assistant, working on the white matter pathways of the limbic system in a large multicentre study of autism. I became full-time in 2012 after completing a part-time degree in Psychology, starting a Masters in Neuroscience at the IoPPN, wherein I recruited and collected data for a BRC-funded study investigating white matter changes in ageing.
I conducted my PhD as a Sackler Scholar, where I focused on hemispheric asymmetry of white matter networks in relation to hand preference and fine motor skill. For my postdoctoral work I have been combining TMS with tractography in healthy controls and patients with tumours to investigate structure-function relations of the motor hand region.
My research interests are broad but include brain asymmetry, handedness and the brain networks involved in integrating different sensory modalities to perform voluntary movements. I have been co-chairing the Clinical Neuroanatomy Seminars for five years, and teach on the KCL iBSc Psychology, MSc Neuroscience, MSc Mental Health and at the Natbrainlab tractography workshops in London and abroad. I also work on science outreach projects, and tweet intermittently.
Publications available from ORCid
Other print media
Howells, H. Image from BrainArt OHBM competition published in Gehirn und Geist (German Scientific American)
Forkel SJ & Howells H. Professor Blackburn on Unconscious biases – an interview. Published online on the Lindau Nobel Laureate website 2015