Stefano Sandrone
I am a PhD student based at the NatBrainLab, Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience, King's College London. I was born in Canelli, Italy, in 1988, and I graduated with honours in Psychology at Vita-Salute San Raffaele University in Milan. After studying neuroplasticity and holding my first research position at the Institute of Neuroinformatics, University of Zurich and ETH Zurich, I settled in London to continue research into connectional neuroanatomy and history of neuroscience. In 2014 I was selected as a young scientist to attend the 64th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting in Physiology or Medicine.
Catani M, Sandrone S. (2015) Brain Renaissance: from Vesalius to modern neuroscience. New York, USA: Oxford University Press.
Wiesel T, Sandrone S. (2014) Q&A: Torsten Wiesel. Progress in sight. Nature 514(7522):S11-2.
Sandrone S. (2014) Decoupling motor plans from perceptual decisions to investigate whether and when decisions are embodied. Journal of Neurophysiology 112(7):1603-5.
Cambiaghi M and Sandrone S. Robert Bartholow (1831-1904) Journal of Neurology 261(8):1649-50.
Sandrone S. Giuseppe Moruzzi (1910-1986) Journal of Neurology 261(7):1447-8.
Sandrone S and Zanin David Ferrier (1843-1928) Journal of Neurology 261(6):1247-8.
Sandrone S and Riva M. Bartolomeo Panizza (1785-1867) Journal of Neurology 261(6):1249-50.
Sandrone S. Sir Francis Walshe (1885-1973) Journal of Neurology 261(4):845-6.
Sandrone et al. Weighing brain activity with the balance - Angelo Mosso’s original manuscripts come to light (2014)Brain 137(Pt 2):621-33.
Sandrone S, Catani M. (2013). Journal Club. Default-mode network connectivity in cognitively unimpaired patients with Parkinson disease. Neurology 81(23):e172-5.
Peruzzotti-Jametti et al. Safety and Efficacy of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation in Acute Experimental Ischemic Stroke Stroke 44(11): 3166-74.
Sandrone S. (2013) Self through the mirror neurons and default mode network, what neuroscientists found and what can still be found there Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7:383
Sandrone S. (2013) A DMN-based functional taxonomy of the resting human brain, is essential really invisible to the eye Brain Research Bulletin 99:A1-3.
Sandrone S and Safron A. (2013) Pain and (e)motion in postural responses Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7:286.
Sandrone S. (2013) Norman Geschwind (1926-1984) Journal of Neurology 260(12):3197-8.
Sandrone S. (2013) Rita Levi-Montalcini (1909-1912) Journal of Neurology 2013 260(3):940-1.
Peruzzotti-Jametti L et al. (2013) Emerging subspecialties in Neurology, Transcranial Stimulation Neurology 80(4):e33-5.
Sandrone S. (2012)The brain as a crystal ball, the predictive potential of Default Mode Network.pdf Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 6:261.
Sandrone S et al. (2012) Angelo Mosso (1846-1910).pdf. Journal of Neurology 259(11):2513-4.
Sandrone S and Bacigaluppi M. (2012) Learning from the Default Mode Network, the predictive value of resting state in traumatic brain injury.pdf. The Journal of Neuroscience 32(6):1915-7.
PhD student
Background: Psychology, Neuroscience
stefano.sandrone [a]