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Naianna Robertsson

Research worker, PhD student

Background: psychology and neuroscience


Contact: naianna.robertsson [a]

Naianna Robertsson

My interest in neuroanatomy and cognitive neuroscience developed during my years as a BSc psychology student. During the degree I worked as a research assistant across several studies investigating memory deficits, stroke, language development in atypical populations, spatial neglect and emotional recognition. My BSc thesis focused on understanding principles of attention asymmetry through simulating spatial neglect in the healthy brain.

I then went on to do a Masters in Neuroscience at King’s College London where I undertook a tractography course at the Natbrainlab. For my thesis I used in-vivo DTI dissections to investigate precision grasping and lateralisation of fronto-thalamic and parieto-thalamic fibres. I then started my part-time PhD in June 2015, which focuses on the comparative and developmental anatomy of parietal lobe networks. I also work full-time as a research worker on a Wellcome Trust funded study run by the NBL aiming to investigate neuroimaging predictors of stroke recovery. My role is to recruit acute stroke patients with left and right hemisphere lesions, administration of neuropsychological assessments, followed by a diffusion-MR scan of their brains. When I’m not running around between labs and hospitals, I love to cycle, yoga, discover new bars with live music, mystery and crime novels, cook cheesy dishes and practice my newfound hobby, which is to play the guitar.

Catani M, Robertsson N, Beyh A, Huynh V, de Santiago Requejo F, Howells H, Barrett RLC,  Aiello M, Cavaliere C, Dyrby TB, Krug K, Ptito M, D’Arceuil H, Forkel SJ, Dell’Acqua F. Short Parietal Lobe Connections of The Human and Monkey Brain. CORTEX, doi: 10.1016/ j.cortex.2017.10.022. 

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