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Head of the Natbrainlab,
Professor of Neuroanatomy and Psychiatry & Hon. Consultant Psychiatrist


Background: Medicine

Contact: marco.1.catani [at] author page

Research Gate


Marco Catani 


I was born in Perugia, Italy, where I graduated in Medicine in 1997 and later specialised in Geriatrics. In 1999 I moved to King's College London, and started studying brain networks using diffusion tractography while specialising in Psychiatry at the Maudsley Hospital. In 2012 I obtained my PhD and in 2014 I was awarded a Wellcome Trust Investigator Award to describe networks asymmetry in the human brain. My research and clinical interests lie in neuroanatomy, history of neuroscience and neuropsychiatry. I dare to engage in activities that are above my financial and physical means, like collecting antique neuroanatomy books and jogging with my dog, a strong and lively Siberian Husky that needs a lot of exercise! I find crosswords, rebus and sudoku the best way to temporarily forget about my long ‘to-do’ list … I strongly believe that success in life comes from the ability to walk the subtle line between family and working commitments, both charged with high-risk high-reward activities. Having wonderful people on both sides of the line helps a lot!  

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